Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My New Charity Project

Some of you may remember Grady, whom I mentioned several months ago. For new readers and those who do not remember, Reece's Rainbow is an organization that helps disabled children around the world find families in the US and Canada. The organization also matches children with Prayer Warriors, whose job it is to "pray them home." I was matched with Grady approximately five months ago, and have been praying for him ever since.

Each child on Reece's Rainbow has an adoption grant fund to help prospective families afford the adoption. At the top of each page is a Donations button; click on it to make a paypal donation and then send an email specifying the child for whom you are donating. My current project is to raise, save, or receive via birthday and Hannukah gifts, money to donate to Grady's grant fund.

To see a picture of Grady go to Click on Waiting Children, Other Angels, Boys, and scroll down about five boys. Grady is the one who currently has about 670 dollars in his account.

Let's bring Grady home together!

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