Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Identity Dress-Up

Sometimes I feel like a little girl trying on dresses as I explore and experiment with various parts of my identity. Yesterday I discovered a national marriage boycott (marriageboycott.ning.com) and of course I signed up. I will shortly be ordering my equality ring (see the website) and the day I get to discard that ring will be one of the happiest of my life.

I am lesbian. I know that.

Yet three weeks ago I was battling random waves of rage as I struggled to remain socially acceptable.

I am bipolar. I know that.

I am a bipolar, lesbian Jew.

Or a lesbian, bipolar, Jew.

Or a Jewish, bipolar lesbian.

Or a Jewish lesbian with Bipolar Disorder.


It's a lot to wear all at once.

1 comment:

  1. "It's a lot to wear all at once"

    Love that. It's perfect.


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